reconnection attemps
I noticed that if i lose connection to NodeBB my socket attempts to reconnect more times than what I have set in my settings (5 times). It tries to reconnect 5 times with a delay of 1500 between each reconnect attempt then it sits idle for like 10 seconds and then it starts all over again. Is this normal?
Armando -
nvm, just figured out that it is normal, it literally says so in a comment
NodeBB/public/src/sockets.js at a054353b6c9896693bfb9c64e7e389380bff1ea1 路 NodeBB/NodeBB
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - NodeBB/public/src/sockets.js at a054353b6c9896693bfb9c64e7e389380bff1ea1 路 NodeBB/NodeBB
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