How to modify rendering template ?
I set a new field by using
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'status', 1, callback)
in each topic.this's a piece of code in original
<span class="topic-title" component="topic/title">{title}</span>
And I want to add a html snippet before this code like bellowed:
<!-- IF status == 1 --> <span class="default">something</span> <!-- END status --> <span class="topic-title" component="topic/title">{title}</span>
How could I do this ? Many thanks!
<!-- IF status --> code <!-- ENDIF status -->
I want to check topic's status against number since it's a integer value.But my question is how to add that snippet into rendering template in my plugin ?
If you need complex logic in your templates then check out helpers, here's a link to get you started:
how to create and use a template helper
Building a custom theme based on vanilla: I want to show the posts.index for each post in the topic.tpl template The problem is that the first post is, obvio...
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@psychobunny thanks! that's really helpful
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