Online Users - Guests Counter Glitch
My guest counter keeps flickering from +1 to -1. I doubt I'm getting any traffic since my website is not that popular. Any idea why this would happen? I also ran NodeBB in dev mode and watched for new connections, but nothing. So is this a glitch?
@dylenbrivera -1 guests?
A guest counts as any active connection, so could be google. Or a spammer, or any other range of things.
@dylenbrivera said:
@a_5mith What I meant by +1 and -1 is that the guest counter could be at 12 and then flicker from 11 to 13.
Oh I see in that case then
@a_5mith said:
A guest counts as any active connection, so could be google. Or a spammer, or any other range of things.
You could have more than one bot from the same company viewing your site (it's quicker to do this)
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