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NodeBB Development

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2.7k Topics 17.4k Posts


  • Posts from the NodeBB Development Blog
    96 Topics
    778 Posts

    Occasionally, we will get asked whether there are any differences between our hosted service and the open source project.

    It is as though we are holding back some great features and only allowing our paying customers access them! Conversely, it could be assumed that because we are hosting the software for others, that we would somehow out of self-interest or for economic reasons, deliver an inferior version with limitations.

    I'd like to say upfront that this is not the case for NodeBB.

    When you use our hosted service, you receive the same great NodeBB software that you can get for free off of our GitHub repository.

    What we're selling is support, maintenance, upgrades, and peace of mind delivered by our world-class† support team.

    You definitely can host NodeBB on your own! We've strived for years to deliver a piece of software that runs lean and fast on minimal hardware, great docs (some contributed by other admins!) that help you get up to speed quickly, and a fantastic community that will help you if you get stuck.

    The reason I take this principled stand is simple — I think it's unfair when artificial limitations are placed on software just for the purpose of getting customers to pay more.

    We've seen all this time and time again:

    You can't install any plugin you want, just a select few from a small list You can only have X units (tickets, posts, etc) of whatever you're using You can only have X admins/owners You can't see any messages older than X days

    These limitations are all artificial, and serve to restrict the use of something to the bare minimum. Anything extra is — of course — available for the right price.

    We don't do that. We tell everybody that NodeBB is powerful enough to run huge communities, and we stand by it. We tell everybody that NodeBB is flexible enough to look and function however you want, and we stand by it.

    These are the real limitations we impose on our hosting service:

    Hard drive space for uploads are imposed by our upstream provider and are set, though we are happy to add additional drive volumes for a fee) We have soft "pageview" limits that any user on our hosting can exceed (in fact, many do). We set them purely as a benchmark for the point at which your NodeBB may slow down depending on the type of load that you get, and encourage dialogue to make sure that you're on the right plan (server resources, etc.) We do not allow shell access for security reasons (and if you needed it, you probably could self-host)

    So please do rest assured when I and others tell you that what you see is what you get. No more, no less. I'd rather everybody get to use the best of NodeBB, instead of serving a special feature-reduced version for others.

    † I'm going to go out on limb here and say that we're probably the most qualified people to maintain NodeBB. Feel free to disagree 😉

  • Found a bug? Why not make a bug report here?
    1k Topics
    7k Posts

    Yes, this is a bug in the v4 code. Will fix soon.

  • Focused discussion related to ActivityPub integration in NodeBB

    57 Topics
    725 Posts

    @silverpill @julian

    Silverpill wrote:
    > Could you provide an example of such post?

    Here you go bro: Socialhome post w/inline images.

    I'll try to give it a boost from my #Mitra, #Hubzilla, and #Friendica accounts too (if I haven't already) so you can study/compare the various treatment cases 🙂

    Sadly, I have not yet launched streams yet for study. I know, I'm a lame-O. I'll get to it shortly, prolly just spin up a local VM on Proxmox for that here, I really am anxious to give it a go 🙂

    #tallship #inline_media


  • Help Translate NodeBB
  • All about emails and how they're used in NodeBB

    3 Votes
    11 Posts

    I'll admit the email verification flow is janky, but it's the best we've got if you want to support some form of out-of-band password reset.

    Ok, Ive given this password reset a lot of thought. I didn't know the term 'out-of-band' but this is an idea along lines of alternative method which doesnt rely on email

    So background, lets say my forum

    Contains no sensitive information, so not a terrible issue if a password recovery was hacked. So an easy reset password reset method wouldnt be a risk it has infrequent posters. The amount of password reset requests was huge. People were re-registering

    So solution could be Admins could allow users to opt into an easy click on picture reset (if they wanted the option)

    Method, you can try this a maximum of say of once per month
    Click your favourite:
    Film: Comedy, Horror, Drama, Historical, Nature, Crime
    Fruit: Apple, Banana, Pear, Orange, Coconut, Grape, Pineapple
    Color: Red, Blue, Green, yellow, brown, Black, White

    If the correct choices are clicked then you can reset password there and then
    Probability of random hack 1/71/71/7 so less than 0.3%

    Im sure there must be a name for this type of reset method, its a kind of variant of answering 3 memorable questions, but less to recall.
    if the words are accompanied by pictures most people remember the 3 items they chose

  • NodeBB 3.8.0

    5 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello Everyone 👋!

    Today we are releasing NodeBB 3.8.0. Please read below for all the changes in this release.

    Moderation Improvements 🔨

    We made some improvements on the user account info page. Namely:

    Unmutes and Unbans will show up in the user history. If the account is flagged it will show up in the "Latest Flags" section. Moderation notes are editable. Username & email history will show who made the change.


    User/Group filter on admin events page 📅


    Events in the admin page can be filtered by a single user or a group of users.

    Field selector for user export 👥


    Exporting a list of users in the acp now let's you select which fields to include in the export.

    Docker improvements 🐋

    Thanks to more work by @oplik0 we have more improvements to our docker setup, full PR

    Bug fixes & Misc 🐛

    As usual there are plenty of bug fixes in this release.

    Full list of closed issues.

    Let us know if you run into any issues in our support thread.

  • NodeBB 3.7.1

    13 Votes
    29 Posts

    @baris thanks 👍

    we have emoji plugin 5.1.13 , but it looks like this version has the commit... hmm... interesting...

  • 15 Votes
    7 Posts

    @julian I am not sure but I guess so...

    when I clicked the link on the first post of this topic:

    it takes me here but gives error:

  • Caches used in NodeBB

    8 Votes
    7 Posts

    @baris thanks for these info 👍

    So, this is how you implemented the fast loading of the total vote count of the topics?

  • NodeBB receives NLNet NGI0 Core Grant

    9 Votes
    5 Posts

    Thanks @Angus-McLeod! Will you be at this week's FediForum? We could chat then.

    Might be a good idea to touch base about any potential link ups especially when we're talking about testing in-development code and public facing instances 😅

  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts

    The above code is for a server side function that renders a feed template. It is meant to be used in a nodebb plugin.

  • 41 Votes
    42 Posts
    @julian @Totally with Ю :questified: Also because there's the difference between conversation-oriented projects (Friendica, Hubzilla, (streams), the Threadiverse, nodeBB) and Twitter-like micro-blogging projects that don't have a concept of conversations.

    The former are built around being able to follow conversations, the latter lack that feature completely.

    #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta
  • NodeBB 3.7.0

    8 Votes
    3 Posts

    great job! thank you 💪

    Cat Cute GIF

  • NodeBB 3.6.0

    8 Votes
    8 Posts

    @crazycells drag and drop on mobile is ♋

  • 6 Votes
    13 Posts

    @The-SkyFoxx said in January Update on ActivityPub Development:

    I guess a plugin with the filter hook would allow admins to filter /world by hashtags, if they feel the need to.

    Practically it may be a little more involved, but I think we'd end up with something along those lines.

    There aren't any plugin hooks exposed in the AP logic at present but they can always be added as needed.

  • NodeBB 3.6.0 minimum NodeJS version.

    3 Votes
    11 Posts

    Will downgrade sharp to 0.32.6 and release a new patch version since we received other reports of the sharp error.

  • NodeBB 3.5.0

    9 Votes
    32 Posts

    @crazycells sure, if you're paying them, then the base expectation is they don't delete your stuff with no warning 😁

  • 7 Votes
    3 Posts

    Any, even small, corrections and adjustments in markup for SEO are an important part in the life of any community! I’m very glad that the development team is following current changes in this environment!

    Thank you! 💙

  • What's next after v3?

    9 Votes
    49 Posts

    @julian said in What's next after v3?:

    @crazycells wait until TD decides to start sending SMS codes to your phone number.

    I use a VoIP number, I'll let you guess how that's going.

    Also... You're Canadian? 😅

    lol I can feel your pain. There are TD Bank branches in NY. However due to their lack of convenience, I had to close my checking account with them, but I still have a credit card.

    On a side note, I always use my real phone number with financial institutions, but use Google Voice number for anything else. Aren't VOIP numbers easier to hack?

  • NodeBB 3.4.0

    8 Votes
    53 Posts

    @baris I suppose this is it, in profile setting these were not ticked:

    Watch Watch topics you create Watch topics that you reply to

    I've since enabled these - they appear to be the behaviour I assumed would occur - surely something like this would be default user settings?

  • 3 Votes
    9 Posts

    I've opened up this can o'worms again, click below! 🙂

    Link Preview Image Timeline Navigator - "Fruit Machine" Concept

    The Fruit Machine I call it the fruit machine, it's a conceptual iteration of the timeline navigator I came up with during harmony themes development and re...


    NodeBB Community (

  • Standardised language keys

    4 Votes
    7 Posts

    @brazzerstop Thanks for reporting fixed in

  • Security Vulnerability Notifications

    4 Votes
    2 Posts

    Additionally, a note about how our disclosures are reported.

    As outlined in our security policy, we maintain a bug bounty program. We use this as a central point of contact for reported vulnerabilities so that they do not get unintentionally exposed for exploit, and to keep better track of them over time.


    Included in that bug bounty page is a Hall of Fame, a list of users who have claimed credit for discovering bugs. It also provides a rough history of awarded bounties and vulnerabilities as well.

  • NodeBB 3.3.0

    10 Votes
    39 Posts

    Now we have special settings for the notification of each chat, can you provide this feature for groups as well? that each user can set himself which group he is a member of to receive notifications?