Theme has been update to v6.0.0, install last version:
npm install [email protected]
Theme has been update to v6.0.0, install last version:
npm install [email protected]
@Marcel2508 If you see a problem with the translation, you can also solve it by creating PR on github I can't translate the topic correctly in all languages.
Regarding the header, this is because the image has a larger z-index
and this is not an error. You can simply add this photo to each group and after the problem or set a larger z index for the widget.
Theme has been update to v5.0.44, install last version:
npm install [email protected]
Changelog: Commits
Hello @Butonix, write in pw.
@Fl4shBack51 Hello, in my free time I will add such a possibility
@Bajpan-Gosh Hello, when it comes to sidebar these are custom styles.
Theme has been update to v5.0.34, install last version:
npm install nodebb-theme-oxide@latest
Changelog: Commits
@Per0x Now everything should work as it should! thank you for reporting
U can update theme: npm install [email protected]
Theme has been update to v5.0.30, install last version:
npm install nodebb-theme-oxide@latest
Changelog: Commits
@Per0x Report a problem on github with logs
@Per0x No, I maked this cards
What do you think about moving the entire NodeBB view to React? And yes, the view layer is separated from the server and everything communicates via the API. Creating styles in ReactJS is much more modern and exciting
Yes, u can use javascript to inject
@Krzysztofeqq @Marcin Najprawdopodobniej jest to spowodowane pluginami ktรณre nie sฤ kompatybilne ze stylem bฤ dลบ przestarzaลe.
const divisors = integer => {
const array = [];
const numbers = [];
for (let i = 2; i < integer; i++) {
if (integer % i === 0) numbers.push(i);
return numbers.length > 0 ? `${numbers} \n ${integer} is prime.` : `${integer} is prime.`;
@arranka Maybe you forgot some class/id to which you are injected with an emoticon plugin?
Update to 5.0.0 , install last version
npm install nodebb-theme-oxide@latest