Tried to post here, but nothing appeared? (after confirming email).
Edit: now the posts are showing.
Tried to post here, but nothing appeared? (after confirming email).
Edit: now the posts are showing.
More spam digests. But, on a positive note I've found an excellent practitioner of black magic in Mumbai.
Performance and perceived speed is priority one for us too, so I hope Angular does well. I suspect it will. Our Node/Angular guy is very up to date with current best practices and techniques, so that should help a lot.
Of course. Nothing is a definite schedule yet, but we're trying to progress as quickly as possible. We've already been developing an in-house solution that bridges our Angular/Node/Redis stuff to XenForo's backend, but I'd somehow never heard of NodeBB. It makes far more sense to migrate our data and build on NodeBB instead.
We'll be sharing back everything we can. The only parts staying private will be styles/SASS and anything specific to our layout look & feel. Even then, the aim would be to release generic versions of enhancements.
It's looking like we'll be forking NodeBB to rebuild the front-end in Angular, so we'll probably have some bigger challenges to tackle first We've started initial exploratory work today/yesterday. All looks very positive so far.
@baris said:
Personally I always use NodeBB at a fixed layout or make my window 1280px wide, the fluid layout is cool but it makes reading posts a pain when the resolution is 2560px wide. The reason the toggle is a fixed element was to allow users to quickly switch between the two. Also it is only available on the lavender theme, vanilla is always fixed.
Why would they need to quickly switch between the two? I'm not convinced the average user even has a preference, they simply expect the content to be readable without requiring any thought or intervention. The fixed control only serves to add clutter/confusion in an area where they're scanning for action-items like submit or reply.
@julian said:
Here are some, but keep in mind we're in the process of completely revamping the admin panel
Despite that, you're already doing better than the existing base of forum admin panels. Some are pretty scary.
As your project grows more popular and attracts main-stream attention, I hope it's possible to keep much of the legacy "forum cruft" out of the platform core (superfluous editor features, repeating signatures, polls, posts on user profiles, etc etc). I'd even take it a step further and say that most users don't know or want to know about bbCode/MarkDown either.
There will always be a cult of people insisting these types of features are incredibly important, but then on their own sites members are struggling to even share a photo.
Wow, nice to see this already fixed. It's no longer obscuring my reply button.
I'm curious what the reasoning was behind having this control always present. Would it not be more sensible to set a max-width on the container as the default? Edge-case users who have a strong preference for extra-wide content could still find the setting elsewhere.
Extra "position: fixed" elements can lead to slowdowns or glitches with scrolling on mobile devices (and small FPS drop on some desktop browser engines). There's also readability issues when paragraphs end up very long. It could detract from an otherwise very positive impression of the software when people hit the site with maximized browser windows.
The same issue is present with the editor, as it always scales to 100% viewport width, which is only effective up to a certain threshold before it becomes a liability.
Not trying to tear apart the layout, but I've been working in UI/Interaction Design for a long time, so can be a bit picky with these things I'm happy to offer advice if anyone wants to hear it. I think NodeBB is great and see huge potential with the platform.
It often ends up obscuring the reply button too.
I think this is an option that should be in settings, not hovering around as a fixed element constantly (purely IMO)
Also, users are starting to associate the hamburger with "menu", not changey-widthy. It's not an expected behavior.
Are there screenshots of the current admin section anywhere?