@yariplus Work! Thanks
template.js to benchpress issue. -
template.js to benchpress issue.This is how i rewrote the functions by the way.
var benchpress = require(['benchpress']); function handlerClickCard_btnEdit(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var uid = $(this).attr('data-item-uid'); if (!uid) return undefined; var item = ajaxify.data.list.find(function(itm) { return itm && itm.uid === uid }); var categories = ajaxify.data.categories; // set selected option in selectbox if (item.category && item.category.cid) { categories.forEach(function(itm) { if (itm && itm.cid === item.category.cid) itm.selected = true; }); } benchpress.parse(self.config().templates.modalEditAlbum, { item : item, isEdit : true, categories : categories, SETTINGS : ajaxify.data.SETTINGS, }, function (html) { bootbox.dialog({ title : '[[gallery:placeholder.edit]]' + ' "' + item.name + '"', message : html, }); }); } function handlerClick_btnNewGallery() { var categories = ajaxify.data.categories; benchpress.parse(self.config().templates.modalEditAlbum, { item: { isPublic: false, }, isNew : true, categories : categories, SETTINGS : ajaxify.data.SETTINGS, }, function (html) { bootbox.dialog({ title : '[[gallery:placeholder.edit]]' + ' "' + item.name + '"', message : html, }); }); }
It this what you had in mind @PitaJ ?
template.js to benchpress issue.Is benchpress not loaded globally?
I get "benchpress is not defined", so i guess i need to require it, but do i have to do this in a wrapping function or can i use:
var benchpress = require(['benchpress']);
When i tried with
var benchpress = require(['benchpress']);
I getbenchpress.parse is not a function
template.js to benchpress issue.@PitaJ Thanks, I'll test it first thing tomorrow
template.js to benchpress issue.template.js was only used in two places and I still have a hard time figuring out how he's using template.js
function handlerClickCard_btnEdit(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var uid = $(this).attr('data-item-uid'); if (!uid) return undefined; var item = ajaxify.data.list.find(function(itm) { return itm && itm.uid === uid }); ajaxify.loadTemplate(self.config().templates.modalEditAlbum, function(template) { var categories = ajaxify.data.categories; // set selected option in selectbox if (item.category && item.category.cid) { categories.forEach(function(itm) { if (itm && itm.cid === item.category.cid) itm.selected = true; }); } var html = templates.parse(template, { item : item, isEdit : true, categories : categories, SETTINGS : ajaxify.data.SETTINGS, }); bootbox.dialog({ title : '[[gallery:placeholder.edit]]' + ' "' + item.name + '"', message : html, }); }); } function handlerClick_btnNewGallery() { ajaxify.loadTemplate(self.config().templates.modalEditAlbum, function(template) { var categories = ajaxify.data.categories; console.log(template); var html = templates.parse(template, { item: { isPublic: false, }, isNew : true, categories : categories, SETTINGS : ajaxify.data.SETTINGS, }); bootbox.dialog({ title : '[[gallery:modal.title.new_gallery]]', message : html, }); }); }
template.js to benchpress issue.I have an older plugin I'm trying to update after another developer, however, I'm confused by the change of engine.
The template.js front-end code is:
var html = templates.parse(template, { item : item, isEdit : true, categories : categories, SETTINGS : ajaxify.data.SETTINGS, });
I must be missing something, I really cannot see why it doesn't work with benchpress.
Are there any event triggered when an image loads?I noticed that anchor links are wrapped around <img tags when you scroll an image into view., is there any event i can listen to to know when it's loaded?