All else being equal, what kind of offer from a new company would make you consider leaving a job that you are otherwise perfectly happy with?
All else being equal, what kind of offer from a new company would make you consider leaving a job that you are otherwise perfectly happy with? -
Do you financially contribute/sponsor any free software project?Do you financially contribute/sponsor any free software project? -
The thing lacking for most open source developers:The thing lacking for most open source developers: -
Do you tend to speak up against company policies or management decisions that you don't agree with?Do you tend to speak up against company policies or management decisions that you don't agree with? -
At work, what would you rather be known for?At work, what would you rather be known for? -
"There are too many stories of developers of Free/Open Source Software who are not properly rewarded by their work, while big companies make huge profits from them."There are too many stories of developers of Free/Open Source Software who are not properly rewarded by their work, while big companies make huge profits from them. There should be a license system that forbids this."