we are trying to build our own documentation in order to be able to quickly deploy a new forum.
We are 100% no profit and we choose NodeBB over any other platform (PhpBB, ect)
Now we have multiple documentations that we followed and we are now discovering that our Test Environment (Oracle Free Tier) has some anomalies regarding firewalls. We are beginners in networking and have no experiences with databases:
We are testing and deploying our Platform on one single VPS and MongoDB, NodeBB, Nginx all run on the same VM. After 2 days of trouble, we decided to now get in touch with the communities here on the net, because we have no time left to loose. We need to get our documentation for our final deployment. (it is very very important)
Can people please help us?
Best Regards
(We will post in the following posts what we need help with)