@[email protected] do you see why they're force-feeding us LLMs now too?
Don’t CW this. -
should i report the car with a "defend liberty" and "i support cops" bumper sticker for parking in a spot they're not supposed to be in?should i report the car with a "defend liberty" and "i support cops" bumper sticker for parking in a spot they're not supposed to be in?
i enable post deletion mostly to prevent scrapers, fascists, and other brainless fools from digging up old stuff and being mean to mei enable post deletion mostly to prevent scrapers, fascists, and other brainless fools from digging up old stuff and being mean to me
oh and also to prevent lateral violence because there's definitely some of that in our lovely queer communities. -
i Kant even figure out where to begin with people who have this absolutist mentalityi Kant even figure out where to begin with people who have this absolutist mentality
white lies are necessary in a world where we have imperfect beings living finite lives in a world of conflict...
RE: https://transfem.social/notes/a367z77keujw00j3 -
read these fucking comments then tell me with a straight face that the tech industry is fine and healthy@[email protected] unsurprising and yet probably most people don't realize.
read these fucking comments then tell me with a straight face that the tech industry is fine and healthyi cannot believe this; they're saying that these models are capable of generating CSAM because they have been trained on CSAM.
these companies have CSAM as part of their intellectual property now. that's the world we're in.
what the fuck. -
read these fucking comments then tell me with a straight face that the tech industry is fine and healthyread these fucking comments then tell me with a straight face that the tech industry is fine and healthy
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42745002 -
as someone who grew up without access to information about queerness, it's absolutely critical we don't allow this to be taken away.as someone who grew up without access to information about queerness, it's absolutely critical we don't allow this to be taken away. lack of access to information that allows us to understand ourself is cruel. there's really only been one generation with access to this kind of info which is exactly why these book bans are happening. the impact of giving a generation free access to information during their formative years has been huge. we need to continue this liberatory pedagogy.n
RE: https://transfem.social/notes/a33aetjoc7al009k -
puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)@[email protected] sports should not be what they are.
the way we regard sports is actually really fucked. -
puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)@[email protected] agreeeeee
why the hell are we shaping laws in our society for fucking sports
like... what if i claimed we should make laws in society to make sure people are upholding the sacred standards of drag as laid out by the ballroom queens of NYC.
it would be ridiculous and cis people would lose their minds.
sports are just eugenics with more steps. -
puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)@[email protected] yes, totally
before i started looking for info about how to transition, i didn't know either! i was legitimately surprised to learn that i would get tits just by taking estradiol. -
puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)i learned SO MUCH about trans perception in society thus weekend tbh
puppy and i have been talking all weekend about how we can surface more ally porn. about how 3 hours of cis ally led work can make change that 100 hours of trans led advocacy cannot. about how much cis people love to be saviours, especially if they get credit.
this incident with the guy at the concert drove home for me just how fucking propagandized these transphobic fox news "do your own research" people are too. they have been taught to recognize the trans flag as the enemy. the mere sight of it is traumatic for them. this is useful. we need more trans flags. more pride flags. -
puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)i hope they divorce over a punk band waving a trans flag
puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)puppy and i went to a concert last night and one of the headliners waved the trans flag as they went off stage (badass)
that's all... just waved the ol' pink white and blue. didn't make an announcement like "trans rights" or anything like that.
this dude on the other side of the aisle just lost his shit though. it ruined his whole night. the lady he was with started arguing with him. he didn't relent. her expression became more and more exasperated and his became more and more grumpy until they just stopped talking for a while.
absolutely delicious. -
boost this post to upset netadmins.@[email protected] puppy just showed me this and it made me upset enough i had to come and say "argh!!!"