i ran in trouble when running npm install..and now i have to reinstall nodebb
how to reinstall nodebb -
how to keep my nodebb online@miksago yeah thanks,i received an email from DigitalOcean hours ago and my nodebb stoped since the reboot.
here is the email gos:
" We've had to unfortunately reboot your Droplet wowcuc due to an issue on the underlying physical node that the Droplet resides on.We are investigating the health of the physical node to determine whether this was a single incident or systemic.
If the physical node does not pass health and safety checks it will be removed from the DigitalOcean pool and your Droplet will be auto-migrated to a new physical node. You will recieve a separate email should that event occur."
I want to know whether this failure and have relations to my setting -
how to made a user moderatori just want to let a user get moderator access without using privilege thresholds ....is this function available
NodeBB's Next Themenow 0.4 is released so when will the new theme shows.....i'am exciting to see it