I am the sole user on this ActivityPub/Fediverse instance using GoToSocial, the Golang-powered server software that's way easier to get working than anything else I tried. The server is running on an AlmaLinux 9 VPS on the Oracle Cloud Free Tier.
I'm a user of Fedora Silverblue, Debian and OpenBSD on the desktop, AlmaLinux, Debian, OpenBSD and Fedora on servers.
My websites for the time being) are running on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with 4 GB RAM using Raspberry Pi OS and the Caddy web server.
I'm a father, husband, garden-digger, guitar picker, cat herder and fixer of the broken and worn.
Current pastimes (could last, might not): studying Ancient Greek.
I hope to get back to: Amateur radio, blogging (other than microblogging), computer science and programming.
I'd like to start: Drawing. I'm not good at it, trust me.
I have a dormant interest in LaTeX and book design.
I'd like to take some math classes (as in calculus).
Journalist by day.
The cat in my profile picture is a young Stripey 2. The cat in my avatar is an even younger Elton, whose mom is Stripey 2 and dad is (likely) Stripey 1 (RIP). We have a lot of cats around the house.