No problem - glad I was able to help you locate the problem.
As long as your SSL certificate is still in place and the iRedMail functionality is all working, I don't think there should be an impact on the security of your system.
No problem - glad I was able to help you locate the problem.
As long as your SSL certificate is still in place and the iRedMail functionality is all working, I don't think there should be an impact on the security of your system.
No announcement thread in the announcements section?
Congratulations, guys! NodeBB has come a long way.
@fiag said:
Hi @psychobunny,
would you add an option to enable SSL encryption?
Some SMTP server only support SSL connection.
Many thanks!
Please, please, please do this. I want to use a gmail account to send notices and that requires an SSL connection (or results in massive false-positive spam bin assignments). My only option right now appears to be to install a proxy to translate the request to SSL (e.g., stunnel).
This is definitely at the top of the list of my desirables for NodeBB!
Pictures pretty much say it all:
Says this when I click upgrade on either one:
Nothing seems to be broken, other than the little red flags here.
Is that what this new theme is? Looks very nice, guys.
I'm getting 404 errors from the admin page of the imgur plugin (nodebb-plugin-imgur). I'm running NodeBB 0.4.1 0.4.3. I believe this has something to do with a new method of creating routes, but I'm not sure what I can do about it.
Any guidance?
For anyone else who may end up trying to help, here:
After having a discussion with @Danny-McWilliams I was able to somewhat isolate the problem:
I don't really have any problems with bootstrap or the vanilla theme other than this one. If anyone else is experiencing this, putting this into your custom CSS area will fix it as a temporary workaround:
UPDATE: The fix below actually causes the problem in newer versions of NodeBB, so please do not use it. Updating your NodeBB will resolve the basic issue now.
.modal-backdrop {
z-index: 1039;
@arasbm said:
I am not sure what the right behaviour would be here. Should I limit the whoisin plugin to only the OP? My thinking was that it would be nice if anyone could start one in a discussion, and if someone else attempts to add another one, it will be just a copy of the first one.
I'd say first post only, but you could preserve the option through a configuration setting and let each forum admin decide for themselves.
Did you ever get this sorted out, @Mikael?
The problem is more likely the plugin, as NodeBB just doesn't have email support built in. Maybe the SSL local mailer needs someone to look at it.
Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm very happy with my mailgun setup. SSL email was not supported by the local mailer when I set it up, but I'm glad, in the end, that I don't have to deal with a mail server.
Can't really explain this, but I was scrolling through the Persona theme announcement thread and got some very strange behaviors. Don't know if this is theme-related or a problem with the engine. Screen shots to explain are below. I'm using Chrome 41.0.2272.118 m which claims it is up to date (and so it probably is). Console was free of errors.
First example:
Second example:
In both cases, I believe there should only be one reply button at the bottom of the page. I think this may be related to using the mouse scroll-wheel to scroll down the page.
I have a specific thread on my forum with a post count of 34. There are 33 posts and 1 purged post in the thread (which may be a bug - seems like it should not be showing deleted posts in the count, or it could be the result of a network failure or something). Clicking the double-down-arrow on the menu bar on this thread results in an infinite request loop in your browser (you can see the page "flicker" and the network console goes berserk). Happens in both IE and Chrome (fully locks up the IE process if I let it go on for very long).
The double-down-arrow link, of course goes to /thread/34 and loading this link directly in your browser does duplicate the issue. Going to /thread/35 redirects the browser back to /thread/34, still causes the problem. Going to /thread/33 takes you to the final post on the page, as it should. I assumed that this was the root of the problem and was going to report it as a bug. I purged a post from this thread and I suspect that may be where the thread count got off. I've tried to recreate that with other threads but I am unable to do so.
Going over the post count on another thread (e.g. /otherthread/9001) doesn't cause a problem because it just redirects back down to the correct post count.
How do I fix this?
Wow! I didn't actually even realize this was an option, since it wasn't at the group level.
@julian Ah. I wasn't thinking about avatars.
@ViolentCrumble I just upgraded my NodeBB to 1.0.2 and updated the Imgur plugin as well and it's working fine for me, now. I don't think it will work with stock NodeBB (see @julian's comment about their backend). You need to use an external image image host via a plugin like the Imgur one.
@julian Definitely fixed for me. As always, thanks for all the effort you guys put into this project.