@stefan I am interested, thank you! Everyone's list and guide has something that I hadn't thought about or a resource I didn't know about, and I've been making websites since I was a tween myself in the mid-nineties. I love that there's always something else to explore.
Would anyone be interested in contributing to this interactive guide + WYSIWIG editor that lets you make simple web pages and shows you how to host them for free? -
Would anyone be interested in contributing to this interactive guide + WYSIWIG editor that lets you make simple web pages and shows you how to host them for free?@stefan This is a cool looking project! I love all the little guides and cools popping up to help people make their own websites, and I've been similar bookmarking resources.
Last spring, I wrote a guide to help daughter(12) make a website for a class project. I haven't shared it much because it's been missing the critical end portion of hosting and publishing. I recently went back to finish it and have been doing a test of free hosts.