I think I'm running out of oxygen in this rabbit-hole, and starting to think I passed the carrot a LONG time ago...
Basically, since trying to get nodebb to auto-restart on Centos, using systemctl, I've been having issues. Strangely, it restarts just fine when I do it as root, but I don't want to run NodeBB as root for obvious security reasons (multiple websites on my VPS). When I try to start it as a normal user, however, I get this:
I got PLENTY of RAM available:
But the issue seems to be WebAssembly's memory container, which seems to be running out because of the benchpressjs framework. Why, at this front-end, it's successful when I run as a different OS user, is completely foreign to me as I'd think it'd be pretty freekin' transparent at this point. But... I'm not a front-end developer, so... Help?
When I start it as root:
Systemctl .service file (page1):