I've just subscribed to your RSS feed. How many people use that instead of the email newsletter subscriptions, so on top of the 25,000?
“I can’t leave Substack, the alternatives charge monthly fees!” -
So I'm still thinking about Australia and the social media ban.@Tattooed_Mummy
It's an experiment on children that they are running, but without the research structure to let them actually learn anything.They could instead have:
Provided social media training and support in school,
Banned adtech serving children with unhealthy body images, products and unattainable lifestyles.
Banned any social media service not providing proper moderation services.
Required that children don't get algorithmic timelines, follows from randos, unapproved follows, and anything else that is known to be harmful.
But no, the politicians are not interested in actually solving real issues, but instead want to look tough to their base of voters. The supid buggers may cause actual harm to children, as the companies can 'assume' no children are using their services, and provide even less protection.