@foone I assume these files are compressed in a package? could you just null out the last two characters in the filename with a hex editor in whatever it's using to lookup then use the shortened name in-engine to open the path?
huh. -
Well, this is interesting. #LetsEncrypt #Firefox #Mozilla@vwbusguy these pictured are auto-enabled in a source build, are they off by default on one of the distros, they might push different settings for the browsers even at the same version.
edit: nope, not this, i thought it could be these settings as they control using your system CAs but i turned them off and all my Lets Encrypt certs don't show the error
Well, this is interesting. #LetsEncrypt #Firefox #Mozilla@vwbusguy it's gotta be something with a setting, could it be from the enterprise CA management settings? i'm not getting it on my installs of the same versions from a vanilla source build.