@baris That's it!
That was the problem, I changes the directory layout to something more familiar to me.
To test the solution I created a directory 'public' and saved a 'tmp.js' to it. I started grunt, changed the file and it recognized the change.
Thanks for your help!
Grunt watch on plugin symlink -
how i costumize the contact page? [contact page plugin]If you have access to the plugin directory I assume you could do the follow:
- Go into directory nodebb-plugin-contact-page/languages/
- Make a copy of the directory en-GB and name it he
- Go into the new directory he and open file contactpage.json
- Change english texts on the right to the corresponding hebrew texts and save.
- You may need to rebuild and restart nodebb.
I don't see any other way to change it, but if you can't make these changes then you'll likely need to request them from the plugin developer.