This is spot on! I might share a newly written song with a creative friend and I love to gather with likeminded folks and create something together, but I don't release music anymore, neither digitally or physically. And even before the ongoing COVID pandemic I had stopped playing live because for me that isn't an important part of songwriting, and I'm a songwriter, not a performer. I refuse to be commodified or intellectualized, for me art *is* the process of creating. I want to embody and be inspired by that process, not what someone else thinks or how well they enjoy whatever is left behind when I'm finished with the creative act.
Re this from @jasonkoebler, two things: -
Yes.I'm no fan of any government official, elected or not, and I appreciate that at least one person in government anywhere is saying "mask up!" in any fashion, but focusing only on COVID also won't help people stay alive right now! H5N1 doesn't get mentioned *once* in this opinion piece, and there's only a passing reference to "flu season".
It's pathetic, dangerous, and deadly to ignore H5N1, it's the year 2025 for fuck sake!
Everything I'm reading is that H5N1 has a 25% - 50% mortality rate, which is staggering even compared to COVID which has already killed millions of people and trillions of other lifeforms.
To put it in perspective, if you trust the government sources (it's an undercount folks!) COVID has less than a 1% mortality rate, meaning 1 in every 100 people die after being infected with COVID. So H5N1 may not cause long COVID, but if we "let it rip" like we did with COVID (we being humanity collectively) it will kill somewhere between 1 in every 4 people on 1 in every 2 people who are infected with H5N1!!
If you though COVID was a mass fatality event, get ready for half, HALF!, of all people who catch the flu this year to be dead in 12 months. We're talking about a deadly pandemic beyond the wildest dreams of all the biopharma villains in the world!