You use CSS in ACP to change color this button.
.btn-primary {
color: color text;
background-color: color background;
border-color: color border button;
You use CSS in ACP to change color this button.
.btn-primary {
color: color text;
background-color: color background;
border-color: color border button;
Thank you!
I use SSL so I have to add the following line of code to Nginx:
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
Then restart nginx and Nodebb, and this working.
Adds custom fields to user registration page to input additional profile data. Latest version: 1.3.3, last published: 8 years ago. Start using nodebb-plugin-custom-registration-fields in your project by running `npm i nodebb-plugin-custom-registration-fields`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using nodebb-plugin-custom-registration-fields.
npm (
@venil7 Sorry, because my English is bad, afraid to communicate in English will not understand.