Dedicate a Category and name it "Blog"
Inside it each topic is un blog post .. just do design for this category and topic/blog posts...
Think simple
request - Nodebb Blog plugin -
Help for Widgets please@psychobunny have good holidays
Help for Widgets pleaseI have defined a widget area footer fixed like that :
Added to /nodebb-theme-material/lib/theme.js
theme.defineWidgetAreas = function(areas, callback) { areas = areas.concat([ { 'name': 'Footer fixed', 'template': 'footer-fixed.tpl', 'location': 'bottom' } ]); callback(null, areas); };
Added to /nodebb-theme-material/plugin.json
{ "hook": "filter:widgets.getAreas", "method": "defineWidgetAreas", "callbacked": true }
created /nodebb-theme-material/templates/footer-fixed.tpl
<div widget-area="bottom"></div>
I can see a new widget area and I can put widgets on it.
But when the page is loaded and check for widget html code by the chrome devlopper tool, I can see nothingAny help is welcome
Shoutbox plugin where ?Oh yes
Well, I need to see how to create a widget area.
Thanks @Scuzz -
Shoutbox plugin where ?Sorry guys it works .. thanks
I need to go in order to get shoutbox.
I think there is a solution to integrate this to front page, and others spots where I want a different room.. maybe need to harcode this in order to prevent many many rooms created (or modify plugin in order to have only rooms specified on admin ui).
Shoutbox plugin where ?@Scuzz
I have installed the claudiutraistaru's fork of Schamper, I see the plugin on admin interface but I see nothing on the forum -
Redactor Composer 1.3.4 Released!Is it possible to integrate the file manager plugin ?
Imperavi - We have been creating apps and websites since 2009.
We aim for minimalism and efficiency in everything we do. Our products are simple yet beautiful.
Shoutbox plugin where ?Gentlemans,
Please, is it possible to have news of that plugin with the latest version of nodebb ?