@grayautumnday In a nutshell, having an account on any of these means you can follow accounts from all of these. The beauty of the fediverse is that all of these server communicate with each other. Want to create videos - Peertube. Want to create photo collections - PixelFed. You are already on Mastodon. If you just wish to follow, view, comment other peoples videos/photos, you are already to go now from Mastodon.
For more information try https://fedi.tips/ and follow @FediTips.
Pretty pretty please, can someone start (or help me find learning resources to organize) manpages/docs/forums/feeds/wikis/whatever for a #fediverse #n00b / #newbie re: differing federated services - #mastodon #pixelfed #peertube #loops #lemmy etc? -
2 questions for the #PeerTube experts out there,@WeirdWriter @FediGarden I just tried downloading your video. Worked fine. You may be having another unrelated problem.
You can try asking @deadsuperhero . I believe he is the admin of spectra.video. But, it worked fine for me.