Hi everyone!
I have a problematic nodebb forum with the mongodb database. Since I raised several topics on my question and could not resolve it, I chose another way. Already installed a fresh nodedeb forum(3.7.4) with postgresql.Now, It is necessary to migrate data from mongodb to postgresql. Is the any easy and correctly way to do it? In my problematic forum aproximatly 10 000 groups and categories. I reached 16Mg limit in mongodb and may be becouse of this cpu is always high and 503 error displayed
Nuran Akimbek
Migrate nodebb data from mongodb to postgresql -
All 3 cpu load process up to 100%,but only a few users is online@the-skyfoxx I was in 3.7.1 then i upgrade to development release after solving this problem https://community.nodebb.org/topic/17950/during-the-creation-of-new-categories-resulting-document-after-update-is-larger-than-16777216-error/10
In my admin panel still showing 3.7.1 -
All 3 cpu load process up to 100%,but only a few users is online -
All 3 cpu load process up to 100%,but only a few users is onlineI can't solve this problem for a long time. Please, if anyone has encountered this problem in practice, describe the steps to solve it. The forum has existed for more than a year and now has about 80 000 users. Now when active users up to 100 , we saw a 503 blue screen error.
Nodebb log file
https://orleuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/nakimbekov_orleu-edu_kz/EUKU6xTepMZPodAMmOLIsuwBZSgCMmAdKTBrLl9N7NfYUQ?e=cgRQnUUbuntu error when users up to 100
Nginx log
Write Api( /api/v3/) put,post methods returns Forbidden,but get,head methods works wellAfter searching and reading documentation, I found that, csrf token not created in my situation.
Write Api( /api/v3/) put,post methods returns Forbidden,but get,head methods works well@julian Authorization: Brearer with token
content-type: application/jsoncurl "https://forum.orleu-edu.kz/api/v3/users/86540"
-d "{\r\n"fullname": "Mr. Dragon Fruit Jr.",\r\n"website": "https://example.org",\r\n"location": "Toronto, Canada",\r\n"groupTitle": "[\"administrators\",\"Staff\"]",\r\n"birthday": "03/27/2020",\r\n"signature": "This is an example signature\nIt can span multiple lines.\n",\r\n"aboutme": "This is a paragraph all abt how I because the administrator of NodeBB\n"\r\n}"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer mytoken"I use .net framework on my client project and not create any session when call read api functions and write api get/head. May be I must create session for Put and Post using /api/v3/utilities/login?
Write Api( /api/v3/) put,post methods returns Forbidden,but get,head methods works wellWrite Api( /api/v3/) put,post, returns Forbidden,but get,head works well
High CPU, 503 blue screen error.output log
2024-04-12T09:11:41.395Z [4567/608008] - info: NodeBB Ready
2024-04-12T09:11:41.396Z [4567/608008] - info: Enabling 'trust proxy'
2024-04-12T09:11:41.398Z [4567/608008] - info: NodeBB is now listening on:
2024-04-12T09:11:41.398Z [4567/608008] - info: Canonical URL: http://forum.orleu-edu.kz
2024-04-12T09:11:43.690Z [4567/607127] - info: [app] Live analytics saved.
2024-04-12T09:11:43.721Z [4567/607127] - info: [app] Database connection closed.
2024-04-12T09:11:43.721Z [4567/607127] - info: [app] Shutdown complete.
[cluster] Child Process (607127) has exited (code: 0, signal: null)
2024-04-12T09:18:50.872Z [4567/608008] - error: [acp] Failed to fetch latest versionTimeoutError: The operation was aborted due to timeout
at node:internal/deps/undici/undici:12345:11
at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5)
at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:511:9)
at async call (/nodebb/src/request.js:37:19)
at async getLatestVersion (/nodebb/src/admin/versions.js:22:44)
at async getLatestVersion (/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:500:11)
at async Promise.all (index 4)
at async loadAdminHeaderFooterData (/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:253:19)
at async loadHeaderFooterData (/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:137:11)
at async renderMethod (/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:87:30)In order to solve my problem I edit apache vhost, other files and by the end I restart/rebuild nodebb regularly. I still use in my nodebb with read api also third party write-api plugin. May be cause of this?
High CPU, 503 blue screen error.The communtiy (https://forum.orleu-edu.kz/) has been taking a long time to load for a month now. I have already created several topics in order to solve my problem.
list item
But problem not solved yet. My one process apache proxy version works better than nginx with scaling so I upload all needed screens.
last logs
For information, also we have a integration between our course platform and community using nodebb read and write api. Registration, join to group, reset password, edit account processes occured using this platform
During the creation of new categories : Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216 error@baris Yes, I test develop branch and it's really worked now. But community still loaded slow and shows from time to time 503 error
During the creation of new categories : Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216 error@baris @julian Sorry for the late reply, I've been away from the project for a few days. But the problem is still very relevant. Object.bsonsize(db.objects.findOne({_key: "groupslug:groupname"})) result is 16777201. My community is loaded very slow, if more than 50 active users show 503 blue screen high traffic error.CPU is up to 100. All of this cause of big size of group object?
@baris The problem will be fixed only in may with 3.8.0 update? -
During the creation of new categories : Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216 error@julian Did I upload the correct ones?
During the creation of new categories : Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216 error@baris A have a lot of category in my community(more than 9000). We divide into small groups and categories our users. I inserted all categories using Add category and edit category form. Please do you have any ideas how to resolve this problem?
During the creation of new categories : Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216 errorDuring the creation of new categories I get error : Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216. I can't increase mongo db 16MB limitation. How to divide nodebb collections. How to solve this problem
After scaling cpu is still high@baris Last warning or error message from output log is - Failed to fetch latest version error - rate limit exceeded
Community works well when users at least 10. If more CPU rises up to 100 and very slow loading or 503 error -
After scaling cpu is still highOur organization qualify all teachers in our country. The registration policy recently changed and we have created nearly 9,000 groups and categories in our community. Divided 85,000 users into small groups. Maybe because of this? Node js or mongo db works incorreclty?
After scaling cpu is still high@phenomlab Wordpress websites. MySQL Community Server.
After scaling cpu is still high@eeeee 3.7.1
After scaling cpu is still highI have just completed scaling process - https://docs.nodebb.org/configuring/scaling/. The reason was that a significant number of users experienced high processor performance and frequent occurrence of error 503. Now while 3 process is running and only 5 connections. But cpu is high on first process. Community works slowly. May be all problem in Mongo database? My server configuration is good. 24 cpu and 100 GB RAM
Please help me. High CPU, but only 25 users on system@The-SkyFoxx On weekend I try to update under 3.7.1. I really use 3.7.0. version right now