I ended up with this https://github.com/byNeHo/nodebb-plugin-shoutbox
maybe I can learn from this for some feature plugins
Ne Ho
@Ne Ho
Update Schamper's Shoutbox -
Need help with chat notifications, template@jtsimoes said in Need help with chat notifications, template:
will check the class, thank you I let you know
Update Schamper's ShoutboxHello,
I have updated Schamper's shoutbox plugin https://github.com/Schamper/nodebb-plugin-shoutbox
Since I only changed 2 files could somebody update it, or should I send a pull request. I dont see a point to share the same plugin with some changed lines as a new shoutbox pluginplugin.json
{ "id": "nodebb-plugin-shoutbox", "name": "Shoutbox", "description": "NodeBB Plugin Shoutbox", "url": "https://github.com/Schamper/nodebb-plugin-shoutbox", "library": "./library.js", "hooks": [ { "hook": "static:app.load", "method": "init.load" }, { "hook": "filter:admin.header.build", "method": "init.addAdminNavigation" }, { "hook": "filter:header.build", "method": "init.addGlobalNavigation" }, { "hook": "filter:sounds.get", "method": "init.getSounds" }, { "hook": "filter:user.customSettings", "method": "settings.addUserSettings" }, { "hook": "filter:user.getSettings", "method": "settings.getUserSettings" }, { "hook": "action:user.saveSettings", "method": "settings.saveUserSettings" }, { "hook": "filter:widgets.getWidgets", "method": "widget.define" }, { "hook": "filter:widget.render:shoutbox", "method": "widget.render" } ], "staticDirs": { "public": "./public" }, "less": [ "public/less/style.less" ], "scripts": [ "public/js/loader.js", "public/js/lib/actions.js", "public/js/lib/base.js", "public/js/lib/commands.js", "public/js/lib/settings.js", "public/js/lib/sockets.js", "public/js/lib/utils.js", "public/js/lib/actions/bug.js", "public/js/lib/actions/default.js", "public/js/lib/actions/gist.js", "public/js/lib/actions/hide.js", "public/js/lib/actions/settings.js", "public/js/lib/commands/default.js" ], "acpScripts": [ "public/js/admin.js" ], "templates": "./templates" }
"use strict"; var NodeBB = require('./lib/nodebb'), Config = require('./lib/config'), Sockets = require('./lib/sockets'), Commands = require('./lib/commands'), app, Shoutbox = {}; Shoutbox.init = {}; Shoutbox.widget = {}; Shoutbox.settings = {}; Shoutbox.init.load = function(params, callback) { function renderGlobal(req, res, next) { Config.getTemplateData(function(data) { res.render(Config.plugin.id, data); }); } function renderAdmin(req, res, next) { Config.getTemplateData(function(data) { res.render('admin/plugins/' + Config.plugin.id, data); }); } var router = params.router; router.get('/' + Config.plugin.id, params.middleware.buildHeader, renderGlobal); router.get('/api/' + Config.plugin.id, renderGlobal); router.get('/admin/plugins/' + Config.plugin.id, params.middleware.admin.buildHeader, renderAdmin); router.get('/api/admin/plugins/' + Config.plugin.id, renderAdmin); NodeBB.SocketPlugins[Config.plugin.id] = Sockets.events; NodeBB.SocketAdmin[Config.plugin.id] = Config.adminSockets; app = params.app; Config.init(callback); }; Shoutbox.init.addGlobalNavigation = function(header, callback) { if (Config.global.get('toggles.headerLink')) { header.navigation.push({ class: '', iconClass: 'fa fa-fw ' + Config.plugin.icon, route: '/' + Config.plugin.id, text: Config.plugin.name }); } callback(null, header); }; Shoutbox.init.addAdminNavigation = function(header, callback) { header.plugins.push({ route: '/plugins/' + Config.plugin.id, icon: Config.plugin.icon, name: Config.plugin.name }); callback(null, header); }; Shoutbox.init.getSounds = function(sounds, callback) { sounds.push(__dirname + '/public/sounds/shoutbox-notification.mp3'); sounds.push(__dirname + '/public/sounds/shoutbox-wobble.mp3'); sounds.push(__dirname + '/public/sounds/shoutbox-cena.mp3'); callback(null, sounds); }; Shoutbox.widget.define = function(widgets, callback) { widgets.push({ name: Config.plugin.name, widget: Config.plugin.id, description: Config.plugin.description, content: '' }); callback(null, widgets); }; Shoutbox.widget.render = function(widget, callback) { //Remove any container widget.data.container = ''; Config.user.get({ uid: widget.uid, settings: {} }, function(err, result) { Config.getTemplateData(function(data) { data.hiddenStyle = ''; if (!err && result && result.settings && parseInt(result.settings['shoutbox:toggles:hide'], 10) == 1) { data.hiddenStyle = 'display: none;'; } app.render('shoutbox/panel', { html: '<div id="tablediv"></div>', time: Date.now() }, function(err, html){ widget.html = html; callback(err, widget); }); }); }); }; Shoutbox.settings.addUserSettings = function(settings, callback) { app.render('shoutbox/user/settings', { settings: settings.settings }, function(err, html) { settings.customSettings.push({ title: Config.plugin.name, content: html }); callback(null, settings); }); }; Shoutbox.settings.getUserSettings = function(data, callback) { Config.user.get(data, callback); }; Shoutbox.settings.saveUserSettings = function(data) { Config.user.save(data); }; module.exports = Shoutbox;
Need help with chat notifications, templateThank you very much, it worked, I had to modify the class .unread-count:after what I already had defined and to add the .unread-count as you have suggested
Update Schamper's Shoutbox@fais3000 yes