Hey, how is it going? I wanna start off saying I might have a general idea of things but it's gotten very technical for me and I can't seem to get any progress done. I'm trying my best to get to try NodeBB but can't even begin to do so if I can't get past the importing. I will not use nodebb without importing my ipb database and wasting hours with no progress from the get go is making me think about giving nodebb up.
I've spent the past couple of days trying to import an IPB forum to NodeBB using seemingly the only method available https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-import
Starting from the package install which threw error after error - had to manually grab package.json from github, managed to sucessfully install in some instances although recently (started from scratch as I was pilling error messages up even after managing to do npm i) it's been impossible as it's not picking up my Visual Studio 2017 installation and some other errors I lost track of.
On the cases I sucessfully managed to install the required packages, I could never get past 'node app --setup' step due to errors related to using require instead of import, which I'm not 100% sure how to do but I guessed it would require me to modify the script manually and I did in some instances, progressed through error messages until I couln't go further on some related error.
Also had issues with the Node version itself, too.
I'm sorry I'm not being very specific with the errors and not showing any logs but honestly I've had so many issues I couldn't be bothered to collect them, as it stands now, the importing script is not working without fine tuning I have no idea how to do - there hasn't been any recent issues on the github and none of them old ones seems to address the issues I'm facing.
The repository guide seems to assume I know things I don't and doesn't contemplate the issues generated by the pass of time, hahaha.
Would it be possible for someone knowledgeable to lend me a hand on this? I could use some directions, I can follow steps, maybe I'm not seeing something obvious - I honestly don't know.
By the way, I'm using Windows 11