Hey there, I am currently trying to develop a nodebb forum for a community, and I am trying to get as much functionality as possible from the previous forum software we were using unto this one. With that in mind, I am stuck on a few issues that I could very much so use assistance with.
First I was wondering if the system logs moderator and admin actions somewhere? We have a fair amount of moderators that can handle and deal with problematic users when they appear, however it is essential that their actions towards these users be logged in someway in case we need to review it. Is there some place that it is logged? or is there a plugin that provides that type of functionality?
My next issue is trying to get userinfo from mongo-db loaded into the userdata hash. I have a steam login plugin that pulls their steamID and steam profiles, and stores it in the user data in the database, the plugin I forked and edited to get the plugin working has some kind of theme API to use, however we were not able to get the info unto the user profiles to display their own steam info. Since our community is based around steam, its highly important I can get this functionality working.
Here is a question I asked the developer of the theme we are using: https://github.com/youhosi/nodebb-theme-oxide/issues/38
This is my fork of the steam-sso plugin: https://github.com/MotherShip808/nodebb-plugin-sso-steam-v2
here is the issue/instruction I used to get the steam-sso plugin working as a login: https://github.com/SuperiorServers/nodebb-plugin-sso-steam-v2/issues/4#issuecomment-503486452
I will also add that I am not a coder at all, so I am most likely going to relay this with my more knowledgeable team, I appreciate any and all help that I can get.