@Edent Oh wow, even `view-source:...` loads one character at a time! Nice!
Introducing Slowww.ml – the slow web server -
Stop what you're doing and take a zoomed in photo of the moon.#ZoomToTheMoon@Edent Sorry for any misunderstanding. I read my response several times and I can't figure out how it can be read as an accusation.
I was merely explaining what the video I linked was about (Samsung phone camera adding fake moon to photos), since I assumed you didn't watch it based on your response.
Stop what you're doing and take a zoomed in photo of the moon.#ZoomToTheMoon@Edent Video TL;DW - yes, some AI moon reconstruction. They fake the moon by taking a moon photo, downsampling a lot (it's a blurry mess), take a picture of a screen, and the phone adds moon details where there previously were none.
Stop what you're doing and take a zoomed in photo of the moon.#ZoomToTheMoon@Edent Samsung phone, eh? https://youtube.com/watch?v=EKYJ-gwGLXQ