@moss I get really agitated by the visual noise of clutter, but also forget things exist if I can't see them.
So I use clear storage (for the seeing) and curate them/keep them pretty - because that's a treat for me, not because It's Important To Be Tidy.
And, to be quite honest, I got rid of a ton of stuff.
I also gave up on doing things "right." The "right" thing to do is hang your clothes up or nicely put them in dresser drawers. Well, I'm 51 and have never managed this.
Recently I switched to using a cube storage unit with fabric bins. I can put the sock bin on the floor next to me and throw all the socks in. Bang, done. Contained and concealed. Tshirts, loungey pants? Who cares if they're folded? Chuck 'em in the bins.
For chores I do races. Race to empty the dishwasher before the toast pops! Race to vac the house before Side A of the record ends! This serves two purposes: dishwasher gets emptied (or part emptied) and I didn't wander off and do something else "quick" for 3 hours and forget my toast.
Can't say any of this actually "worked," as in problems solved forever whee - but I'm less stressed keeping on top of things/generally feel better as a human.