@julian I want to post large number of topics at once on JSON format, and it will be frequently use under one user id.
Does body-parser has the ability? and is it easy to modify api/v3/topics ?
Many Thanks,
@julian I want to post large number of topics at once on JSON format, and it will be frequently use under one user id.
Does body-parser has the ability? and is it easy to modify api/v3/topics ?
Many Thanks,
@pitaj I successfully post a topic through API.
But I am wondering how I can send multi topic on one request
"cid": 2,
"title": "Test topic 1",
"content": "1 This is the test topic's content",
"cid": 2,
"title": "Test topic 2",
"content": "2 This is the test topic's content",
Many thanks @pitaj, I will try write API
I successfully create 7/new-topic-example page by using the command below, but it is not listed on category page and home page. Is this correct way to insert data?
db.objects.insert({_key:"topic:7","cid":2,"lastposttime":1625553855706,"mainPid":7,"postcount":22,"slug":"7/new-topic-example","tid":7,"timestamp":1625553855705,"title":"new topic example","uid":1,"viewcount":33,"postercount":22})
Many Thanks
many thanks @pitaj
@pitaj Thank you,
Which is the language mode you use in the editor to view the code nicely?.
I use Smarty in VS Code
Hi Everyone,
Any one know how to write comments inside TPL file?. I want to remove some element without deleting the code.