Nodebb + Nginx: port 80 problem -
Nodebb + Nginx: port 80 problemport 4567 is an admin port and should be locked down.
Nodebb + Nginx: port 80 problemTry to get my forum off of port 4567; Trying to install nginx and get nodebb to be accessible through its domain without a port after the domain... wtf am i doing wrong here
Is there a nodebb nginx guide? because i may just suck at this
Better ban features.oh, sorry
A shadow ban is when the banned user can still access and post but nobody else can see any of it and they just stop coming around. It avoids that anger instantaneous sense of rejection for a smoother transition out of the way.
Don't feed the trolls only goes so far. Forced starvation, now that's a plan.
Better ban features.OR! Shadow bans
nodebb setup abortedsoooooo, that worked.
nodebb setup abortedUbuntu 12.04.5 x32
thanks, hopefully i can nix this error now.
nodebb setup abortedhey thanks for such a quick reply.
the version is 2.2.12. Whats the command to upgrade? I tried using an endpoint address from redislabs to bypass the issue but that ddnt help.
nodebb setup abortedHidden --> Information deliberatley taken out
Welcome to NodeBB!
This looks like a new installation, so you'll have to answer a few questions about your environment before we can proceed.
Press enter to accept the default setting (shown in brackets).
URL used to access this NodeBB (Hidden)
Please enter a NodeBB secret (Hidden)
Which database to use (redis)22/8 19:23 [16461] - info: Now configuring redis database:
Host IP or address of your Redis instance (localhost)
Host port of your Redis instance (19858) 6379
Password of your Redis database
Which database to use (0..n) (0)
Configuration Saved OK
[email protected] node_modules/redis[email protected] node_modules/connect-redis
āāā [email protected] ([email protected])
Populating database with default configs, if not already set...
Previous theme detected, skipping enabling default theme
Categories OK. Found 4 categories.
Administrator found, skipping Admin setup
22/8 19:24 [16461] - warn: NodeBB Setup Aborted.
Error: ERR wrong number of arguments for 'zadd' command
at ReplyParser.<anonymous> (/home/tatsumaki/TatsuNodeBB/node_modules/redis/index.js:305:31)
at ReplyParser.emit (events.js:95:17)
at ReplyParser.send_error (/home/tatsumaki/TatsuNodeBB/node_modules/redis/lib/parser/javascript.js:296:10)
at ReplyParser.execute (/home/tatsumaki/TatsuNodeBB/node_modules/redis/lib/parser/javascript.js:181:22)
at RedisClient.on_data (/home/tatsumaki/TatsuNodeBB/node_modules/redis/index.js:534:27)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/tatsumaki/TatsuNodeBB/node_modules/redis/index.js:91:14)
at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Socket.<anonymous> (stream_readable.js:765:14)
at Socket.emit (events.js:92:17)
at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:427:10)
tatsumaki@_Hidden_:~/TatsuNodeBB$Whats happening here? Followed the digital ocean tut... but it is from 2013. all was well until the very end and then it failed. I had seen something on the forum about redis and nodebb .7 is that this? What am i doing wrong? I even tried redislabs as an external redis server, but still nodebb aborted.
Jonny Black
Making NodeBB faster and getting higher Google PageSpeed scoreI come from a cryptocurrency background... and some of the recent posts around here smell of FUD. This is a tactic oft used by the competition of a product on their home turf to sow discord and distract from progress.
Scaling NodeBB on Google Cloud - Is this approach correct?Interesting build out. regular updates! :metal:
Bulk upload plugin requested - bounty offeredWhen using odesk:
homepage --> Search --> "javascript" --> more options button --> "find a different test" = javascript
Javascript button dropdown menu --> scored in the top 30% dropdown --> scored in the top 10% optionSorry to helpdesk you there, but I do work a L3 helpdesk. It is very important to separate the wheat from the chaff when hiring a freelancer online. Soviet Bloc countries have some of the best hackers in the world: India has an amazingly well educated population. Though with freelancers, the country in which they reside is far less important than the skill and experience of the individual. First-world, Third-world, BRIC countries...
MIT is the best license; it allows your code the longest lifespan and usability.
Good luck with your project.
Bulk upload plugin requested - bounty offeredWith the specificity and documentation available there, you would have no difficulty finding a freelancer to complete this project. There are a great many javascript programmers that can easily pick up NodeBB; the documentation is very good. (now
elance.comBut remember, open sourcing your code is the right thing to do!
Webtorrent: WebRTC-enabled browser-to-browser updates in real-time for NodeBBI feel as though it should be noted, for those unfamiliar with webtorrent, it is entirely disconnected from the main bitorrent swarm as it is incompatible. It would, though, make for an internal CDN between the users/peers. The jaavscript would be a plugin on the server, but then also as javascript on the page loaded into the clients browser giving the ability to share the content on the page browser-to-browser.
Webtorrent: WebRTC-enabled browser-to-browser updates in real-time for NodeBB
A plugin utilizing WebRTC would enable NodeBB and other plugin to leverage to browser-to-browser communication and updating that fits very closely with the realtime aspects of NodeBB. Whatsmore, though, the javascript would enable the users to download any pictures on the page from not only the serverside but from each other.
Minimongo instead of redisAnyone know if Minimongo could be used in a plugin to enable redis-style caching to a full mongodb instance? The redis (live) to mongodb (persist) route looks daunting...