No need to post a full guide as @yariplus had the correct answer all the time. I just did not understand it at first.
Jonathan O'Donnell
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB plugins -
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB pluginsah yes. working on this now nodebb-plugin-session-sharing,
this is what I was looking for. Will post a full guide once I get this running on my server
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB pluginsHere are the steps I have done.
On my site:
Using passport Js to have the user log in with google or github when they click the login on my site.In NodeBB:
I have enabled the google-sso plugin and github plugin in the admin portal.
Then I set the client secret and client ID to the same one as my site. (Could not change the github callback url as the field is disabled)Is this supposed to work automagically or am I missing some crucial step.
I log into google and github successfully and get the accessToken and refresh token (which I store in cookies) But when I go to the node bb categories pages and try to post, I see the "Login to post" button.
Thank you Julian for the help so far. You are a hero of the open source community.
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB pluginsI still don't understand how to use that though. Can we expand on the docs there? Its pretty unclear to me how to proceed.
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB pluginsWhen I log in with github in nodebb, I don't see where anything gets stored. Where does it save the logged in state?
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB pluginsCurrently the user logs into my app with github or google. I enabled the google-ss and github-sso plugins and configured them the same way in nodeBB/admin. Is there a special way i need to persist the access_tokens or something to have the sign on work for nodeBB?
Use my oauth instead of NodeBB pluginsI have oauth working for github and google on my site using passport.js library.
What are the steps to get the nodebb forums to use that auth so my users don't have to log into my site and the nodebb site. I have seen a github ticket on this but I still don't understand how this can be done. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Great work with NodeBB guys