@[email protected] i could be wrong, but it looks suspiciously like that's a grounded plug with the ground pin cut off
be me -
Sending my Jewish friends this horrible meme@[email protected] this is horrible
i immediately shared it with my non-fedi friends -
the whole fucking discourse is kind of hilarious because people are like "he was a good person"@[email protected] not only that, but he's not even a good person within the context of shithead CEOs
dude insider traded which caused a $25 billion drop in UHC's stock https://www.huffpost.com/entry/unitedhealthcare-brian-thompson-insider-trading-lawsuit_n_6751a2abe4b01129dffa8789
and he's separated from his wife, which isn't necessarily from him being a bad husband/person, but let's face it, it probably was