Ok, so maybe others can read along. I host my photos with Smugmug on www.iomm.net (Images On My Mind ). I also redirect iomm.net to the www domain. Now, the issue... iomm.net sometimes does, and sometimes does not redirect. Mostly on my phone it doesn't work, but on my desktop pc it does work.
Any ideas? Need any more info to know what's going on?
After many years and experiments, another conclusion I'd like to share: -
After many years and experiments, another conclusion I'd like to share:@jwildeboer
I'd like to learn a bit more DNS! I have a couple of domains, even a few that I don't use at all (but like the names, so they're hard to give up ). Anyway, I've also ran in to some DNS questions and small issues. Maybe I can learn to solve them!