For some elder color - I was at Pacific Grove Middle School when the aquarium was built. Before it, cannery row was all ruins - and it was sooooo cool down there. It was
a magical place for a kid to explore. Everyone got passes to the aquarium when it was built, and it was a treasure to have as an after school destination. One particular highlight was playing music for evening events there.
New employee orientation at Monterey Bay Aquarium -
In other news (possibly controversial) my favorite burritos in the Mission are now..When I lived on that block it was most certainly Papalote.
Again with this Solnit essayThere is a sophisticated propaganda apparatus in place. This is what I wish to fight.
I've settled into a rereading of Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman.I've settled into a rereading of Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman.
If you haven't heard of this book, and you like Big Russian Novels, then you've got to check it out. It is uncanny to read a giant tome a-la War and Peace about WWII. Also how it lays bare the ironic bedfellows of politics, nation, war, repression...