I re-install os to Centos8 and fixed this issue
I can't upload images or other files -
I can't upload images or other filesWhen I tried to upload images,it shows me "Server response resolution error",and disconnected.
This is my nodebb log:[benchpressjs] Unable to build or find a suitable native module, falling back to JS version. [benchpressjs] This will result in much longer template build times. [benchpressjs] prebuilt module failed to load: linux_72 [benchpressjs] If the above module is not available at `node_modules/benchpressjs/rust/benchpress-rs/pre-built/`, [benchpressjs] you can manually build benchpress-rs following the instructions here: [benchpressjs] `https://github.com/benchpressjs/benchpressjs/blob/master/README.md#manually-building-native-module`
My system version is 7.9,but it tried to load 7.2
[root@zhuanben nodebb]# lsb_release -a LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch Distributor ID: CentOS Description: CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) Release: 7.7.1908 Codename: Core