I created some accounts with the api/v3, but those accounts can't log in by email on the forum, and consequently can't log in with session sharing plugin.
I searched a long time, because this used to work on nodebb v1.15.
But on v1.18, some db objects are only set after the call of confirmByUid function :
['email:uid', uid, currentEmail.toLowerCase()],
['email:sorted', 0, `${currentEmail.toLowerCase()}:${uid}`],
[`user:${uid}:emails`, Date.now(), `${currentEmail}:${Date.now()}`]
So you have to confirm each account before the plugin "session sharing" works with them.
To resolve this, i made a custom plugin and used the "confirmByUid" function :
library.js :
const Users = require.main.require('./src/user')
var Plugin = {
onCreateUser: function (postData) {
const { user } = postData;
plugin.json :
"library": "./library.js",
"hooks": [
{ "hook": "action:user.create", "method": "onCreateUser" },
I hope this can help ;).