Le problème est résolu, merci
Hello/Good night
The problem is solved, thank you
Le problème est résolu, merci
Hello/Good night
The problem is solved, thank you
go! I give up, no one to help on this forum. To wait for days, for nothing.
The admins you could do a section for different languages? (french)
but I see that everyone passes, but no one answers ... I'm the only one to have this problem?
no one to give me an explanation or solution to my problem?
23 people who looked at my post and still no help?
I remember my bug: the number of people connected and the number displayed do not match (see picture)
désolé, je traduis avec google.
sorry, I translate with google
Hello, I have a bug with visitors online
the number does not match the number of connected
A solution for this bug ... thanks
je suis français et j'ai fais une demande il y a 20 jours pour mettre une option sur mon forum NodeBB
je voudrais savoir si on peut mettre un plugin ou un script pour faire apparaître une fenêtre avec une image au passage de la souris sur un lien web actif?
Mais je vois que personne ne répond? soit personne ne sait, soit personne ne veut répondre ou ce forum ne sert a rien?
donc je relance ma demande.... merci d'une réponse même négative juste par respect
traduction avec google traduction :
I am French and I made a request 20 days ago to put an option on my NodeBB forum
I would like to know if we can put a plugin or a script to pop up a window with an image by mouse over an active web link?
But I see that nobody answers? no one knows, no one wants to answer or this forum is useless?
so I restart my request .... thank you for an answer even negative just by respect
Hello all
I would like to know if we can put this option on NodeBB: open a window with an image, by the passage of the mouse on a link?
Thank you for your answers
I would like to display an image over mouse over active links?
I would like to display an image over mouse over active links?
thank you MJ, it works very well
thanks MJ, but is not what research
can we change the background color and the text of the keywords?
if yes? how and where?
ex : Black background and green writing
thank you for giving me the details
I would like to know if we can change the background color and the text of keywords
I am not very strong, if you can tell me or search? thank you.
(google traduction)
I wonder if we can put on a forum page NodeBB a Shockwave Flash Object file (animation here) link. If yes to? Thank you for your help
see you soon
thank you for advice, we have changed the search engine and everything works ... thank you
search engine really does not work well. I use all the ways the search engine options and not a single time he finds me the first time my articles. I am obliged to pass the pages to find the requested item. When I do a search he finds me anything but the requested search? What can we do to improve the search engine? Thank you and good day.
I'm French, so it is a translation with google translation (sorry)
le moteur de recherche ne fonctionne vraiment pas bien. J'utilise toutes les façons des options du moteur de recherche et pas une seul fois il ne me trouve du premier coup mes articles. je suis obligé de faire passer les pages pour trouver l'article demandé. Dès que je fais une recherche il me trouve tout sauf la recherche demandée? Que peut-on faire pour amélioré le moteur de recherche? merci et bonne journée.
je suis français , donc c'est une traduction faite avec google traduction (désolé)
hello, or can we find or plugins to set text color and the pluging to center images or text or video and if there is none, someone could try to create it?
Thank you for your answers
Hello, I would like to know how do you center an image or text and put color on a word or phrase and how to increase the size of a word or phrase?
Thank you for your answers