Thoughts on bringing to Lemmy? -
Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances -
What's with the overkill hardware setups? -
The Truth About Emanuel didn't do so well at the box office -
Fuck em, fuck the credit score -
Give undocumented immigrants...documents. -
Give undocumented immigrants...documents. -
Imagine we'd meet with sentient, cultural and civilisational aliens, but we'd find each other boring -
Bread is love, bread is life -
Bread is love, bread is life -
Bread is love, bread is life -
Scene of the crime -
SeCuRiTy aNd PerForManCe -
Scene of the crime -
Scene of the crime -
SeCuRiTy aNd PerForManCe -
Bald Guys -
Come and take it!