@mastodonmigration @BlurryBits It only lights up uBlock because uBlock is blocking it, and causing it to retry over and over again.
I can only guess from experience as I have no association with Bsky, but I would strongly suspect the data collection is used by dev to see where people click to tune the user interface, as well as collect real-world latency information to see if users experience a slowdown in any particular part of the app's functionality.
You're not supplying any more data in realistic terms than you supply by using the app anyway, it just means that deeper inspection on aggregate data can be done. In terms of the information that matters - your user data, identity information, things you click on - it would be collected anyway.
This kind of information is very, very important for knowing what to improve and if users are having trouble as they tend not to report it - an aggregate picture of the user's experience can surface bugs and weird behaviours that would never be detected by standard testing.
So yes, I say it's just for dev, but when you consider what exactly is being collected it's still nothing that impairs your privacy in the slightest.
I would ask you to be honest, are you willing to listen to me or are we having an argument that you have already made your mind up about? I don't mean that in any offensive terms, because if this is a real conversation that stands a chance of going somewhere, I'm willing to do a deeper analysis (tomorrow) of what data is actually flowing. Please let me know, and I can only ask you to be honest and save me wasting my time if that is the case. If you'd like to reply privately that's fine too, I'll keep it quiet and we can let this lie if that's how it is. Otherwise, as I say, I'm willing to delve deeper tomorrow.