Ok. Not true but ok. I suppose you never got any bugs in history.
I told you what it was causing it.
A config. Probably a bug.
Ok. Not true but ok. I suppose you never got any bugs in history.
I told you what it was causing it.
A config. Probably a bug.
@baris it should only affect new slugs. Are the slugs generated live after each visit? That makes little sense.
Any news or comments on this? Should it be moved to bugs?
@baris Not to my user.
@baris Nothing strange installed. All plugins are the one that come by default with the install and I have not even activated all of them.
Weird. I can reproduce everytime. Maybe the user needs to be created after the settings are like that?
Anyway, I can disable it and it works, so do not worry too much.
Change your custom on ACP to Categories and leave the rest as it is.
Ok, but I am talking about the default for new created users, so could be any settings here... If I go to a random user (mine or anyother one) I see "Custom"
It does not say None.
I have turned it on, and I cannot find anything under user settings. Or you mean on each user page?
Categories on the ACP and I cannot find anything on the user settings page.
@baris That was not working until I disabled that option "Allow User Home Pages"
With that option ON, the user was on root, then click on login, then gets redirected to their profile page.
With the option OFF, they go back to the frontpage.
@baris Thanks.
It seems that when that was changed, we lost that ability. Maybe just updating slugify could work?
We are using a 11 years old slugify version...
Or just add back this:
// remove accents, swap ñ for n, etc
var from = "àáäâèéëêìíïîıòóöôùúüûñçşğ·/_,:;";
var to = "aaaaeeeeiiiiioooouuuuncsg------";
for (var i = 0, l = from.length; i < l; i++) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(from.charAt(i), 'g'), to.charAt(i));
Also I have been reading the forum and I found many post about this, most are from non-English languages.
I think this is something should be addressed and fixed but of course we do not want to break anything.
@baris any news on this?
Yeah, I had that, but it seems I needed to disable the "Allow User Home Pages" so they are all redirected to the one I had selected there.
If not, they go to their profile by default.
By default, my users go to their profile after login.
I would like that they go to the root of the forum.
Is this an option? I cannot find it.
@phenomlab said in [nodebb-plugin-2factor] Two-Factor Authentication:
Finally, there is no corporate entity on this planet that will agree that SMS for 2FA is a good idea. Period.
Troy Hunt agreed. For me that is enough value.
Also, this is a forum software, aimed to anyone, not a corporate entity. We can assume that not all admins and global moderators are techy enough to have real 2FA or TOTP.
"Looking for a way to engage your followers, away from the noise and chaos of today’s “social” sites?
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@phenomlab I am sorry but that message is offensive, to me, to claude, to chatgpt and to anyone sensitive and the reasons are valid.
I already told you I felt offended...
But I do not want to discuss this.
Also you trying to tell me I cannot detect ofensive comments because I am not English native is also kind of dismissive as well.
So I am moving away from this conversation.
My point is made, having email 2fa is better than not having it, and you have not replied to this at all so far.
Think about it and decide whatever you want.
@phenomlab Lets agree to disagree on this one.
Right now, they just need the passsword. With the mail, they need both, email and password. So no.
if they got access to anyone email, then the person have other issues bigger than a forum credentials.
@phenomlab said in [nodebb-plugin-2factor] Two-Factor Authentication:
I think you are being somewhat over sensitive here - @Astro-What is not being insulting at all - merely responding to you. The point being made around TOTP not being difficult is 100% correct and really isn't condescending in any way.
Could you please read the link I shared:
Not asking for SMS; just for mail, which is best than nothing and better than SMS (imho).
TOTP is not 2FA for start.
If you are going to start insulting people, I will go somewhere else.
This is not the way to discuss a functionality, you have your opinion. I have mine, I offer you a link from an important security guy and another link within that from 1password (https://blog.1password.com/totp-for-1password-users/)
If you want to comment on that, fine, if you prefer to keep insulting, bye.
By the way, you do no need to explain this to me. I have been managing websites and doing security for clients for 15 years. I know and understand what we are talking about. There is space and a need for TOTP by email to increase security. It won´t be the best security, but it has its space and it is better than nothing.
Two-Factor Authentication Statistics: In April 2023, around 158 businesses worldwide used Google Authenticator as an authentication tool
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