Solved by myself, this documentation could be a bit updated for easier implementation, for those who will the same problem, let me give necessary steps:
- Install the plugin
- Rebuild then restart NodeBB
- Add some custom fields
- You can edit them by going to edit profile and "Change Extra"
- To display them in user profile, in case if you're using Person theme, go to nodebb-theme-person -> templates -> account -> profile.tpl
- Paste the code wherever you want it do be visible
<!-- IF customFields.length -->
<div class="custom-fields">
<!-- BEGIN customFields -->
<div class="custom-field-item">
<span class="field-label">{}</span>
<span class="field-value">{customFields.value}</span>
<!-- END customFields -->
<!-- ENDIF customFields.length -->
- Rebuild then restart NodeBB