I have a website and would like to "sync" the accounts from our custom CMS to NodeBB. (both using MongoDB)
I've tried adding the following to the objects
collection, but the users are not showing up in NodeBB:
"_id": ObjectID("561163e60f6bcd8c7210ea1e"),
"banned": 0,
"birthday": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"followingCount": 0,
"fullname": "",
"gravatarpicture": "",
"joindate": 1432275606,
"lastonline": 0,
"lastposttime": 0,
"location": "",
"password": "<password hash here>",
"passwordExpiry": 0,
"picture": "",
"postcount": 0,
"profileviews": 0,
"reputation": 0,
"signature": "",
"status": "online",
"topiccount": 0,
"uid": 219,
"uploadedpicture": "",
"username": "Username",
"website": "",
"_key": "user:219",
"userslug": "username"
Is there anything else that needs to be done for this to work?