As I said long ago = will not contribute to NodeBB as I think its CLA is shit, but my boss asked me to administer 3 different NodeBB's instances.
Now:: all three of them are on different physical hardware (HPE Blade 9gen), so I came up with clustering them. Bought another HPE Blade, installed Win2016 with Containers and run the following:
Directories SIMLED::
Docker is FUCKIN SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is equivalent of Docker, called Cicke, its super-nitty framework, smaller, without any freaking influence from dicked CEO, free from shitty code, nice
NOW - I'd code thinbgs myself, but I will not sign CLA. So -> I require @julianlam to sit and code RAT as soon as possible (max 24hrs).