@stefan Thanks! I should probably add more versions. quite enjoyed playing out with your version browser last week
If you've been thinking about setting up your own website, you should check out https://neocities.org and https://glitch.com, which will let you make one for free. -
If you've been thinking about setting up your own website, you should check out https://neocities.org and https://glitch.com, which will let you make one for free.@stefan agreed! These tools are extremely accessible. In fact I created my first website with a WYSIWYG, MS Publisher, when I was nine!
Edit: dropping it here, https://2007.cemrekarakas.com
If you've been thinking about setting up your own website, you should check out https://neocities.org and https://glitch.com, which will let you make one for free.@stefan reminds me of Microsoft FrontPage 2000!
blog!@Edent Hiya, I primarily follow your blog on RSS, so the "RSS doesn't show up" bit intrigued me. Is your website static or dynamic, if its dynamic are you logging/tracking the times your rss feed is served?
blog!@Edent this was a nice read, thanks! It inspired me to think about this problem a bit and i just scribbled this post exploring a possible solution. Its a simple verifiable function defined on the target content. https://mistystep.org/blog/testable-links