@julian how did I miss that! Cheers buddy
Get username from uid -
Get username from uidI'm writing a plugin that uses the action:post.save hook
I've got the plug-in logging the post data to the console fine.Im then trying to fetch the username from the uid from the post data.
my basic library.js is:var User = module.parent.require('./user';); module.exports.emailalert = function(postData) { console.log(postData.uid); // this is returning '2' User.getUserField(postData.uid, 'username', function(data){ console.log(data); // this is returning 'null' }); };
however User.getUserField is returning null.
User module is definitely getting called. -
Log-in unavailable on mobile versionI've just noticed that the log-in link or the narrowed browser points to:
obviously instead of community.nodebb.org/login as it does on the expanded full screen version.
Log-in unavailable on mobile versionWhen viewing the mobile version of lavender, be it on my nexus 4 or on a narrowed browser window, the log-in button becomes unresponsive. These are both on chrome and safari and firefox with a cleared cache whilst looking at these community boards.
Dissable 'Allow Registration' BugSorted,
A fresh clone was needed. The upgrade from 0.1.x to 0.2.2 was the issue.
(sorry, I should have tested this route earlier)
Dissable 'Allow Registration' BugThanks For the comments guys,
However, I'm still getting this issue. I'm on 0.2.2 with a fresh pull from git, an --upgrade and now testing on an iPhone emulator with a clean cache which produces the same results.
Tonight I'll try from a fresh git clone to see if that has the same results. (my 0.2.2 was an upgrade from the 0.1.x branch).
Dissable 'Allow Registration' BugWithin user settings, i've unchecked the 'Allow Registration' checkbox.
In the desktop browser, the registration link is removed as expected but on the mobile version the option is still available and it takes you to the registration form.
Using Chrome Beta 32.0.1700.99 on nexus 4
Group access for categories access control@psychobunny Good timing and works well, thanks!
One issue i can see is that the button groups are mis-aligned with multiple groups. Tested on chrome, safari and firefox with a clean cache.
Group access for categories access controlWhen adding users to read/write access control for Categories, is it possible (or planned) to add groups to the access list rather than adding users one by one.
For example, give all the Admin group only read/write permission for a Category?
Eventreturnvalue depreciatedThis was when viewing your demo board (this board)
Eventreturnvalue depreciatederror from chrome v31 osx mavericks:
(chrome console output)
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. nodebb.min.js:2Everything still works as it should. The same error was in jQuery until recently too.
Private forums categoriestemporary fix:
within websockets.js add the following code inside the if(uid) block (inside io.socket.connect):
if(!global.socketlogin) global.socketlogin = {}; global.socketlogin[sessionID] = uid;
then after an ajax call ( app.get ) in webserver.js for example,
will show if the current user is logged in.
Private forums categories@itsmartin, i've been working on a similar work around (to have complete access only for a logged in user).
Im thinking of moving most of the functions within 'webserver.js' to 'websockets.js' so the body templates will be served via web sockets.
within 'websocket.js', uid identifies if the currently connected socket (user) is logged in.
@Julian, do you see any issues re-implementing the majority of the ajax functions in websockets? it could possibly have less overhead as a side effect.
Theme issuesmany thanks @Julian,
I'll update later today and report back if there's any issues. -
Theme issuesI'm having an issue with the Bootswatch Themes. I can preview them but they revert to vanilla when i restart with app.js (to be clear, the theme is never installed). I'm using v0.0.7 on an ec2 micro instance.
is this fully implemented?Great Job and i'll try and contribute over on github.