We're coming to the point where decentralized social media contains the only structures we're going to have left that aren't completely controlled by hard-right interests -
Hidden Links now highlighted@julian Iceshrimp classic shows the link as
(and links to that) and assigns it "nofollow noopener". I think the page doesn't render unless you use JavaScript anyway so it shouldn't affect search rankings? -
JFC, why can't the bluesky team use ANY established protocol for ANYTHING?@jenniferplusplus The more the merrier; good luck! (you're going to need it)
JFC, why can't the bluesky team use ANY established protocol for ANYTHING?@jenniferplusplus I think their goal is to bundle it into the same protocol. It's a lot like how Fediverse handles DMs as secret Notes, rather than by using an actual chat system. (I could hope for the latter to change, but it would add a lot of complexity to an already complex system, including another layer to host and more ports to expose on the firewall. Maybe this is remotely related?)