Non-English Names -
Endorphins -
Wide Cars -
Kids -
The Real Criminals -
The Real Criminals -
Questions?It bothers me endlessly that people who advocate for keeping the tipping system are directly asking to perpetuate racism. Many of them don’t even know thats what they’re doing, but I’m slowly learning that most people (including minorities) actually like systemic racism.
My dog doesn't biteBig “it’s not a clip it’s a magazine” energy
Rational Self-InterestWe did. If she was consistent, she should have just chosen to die since it’s wrong for others to help her.
Up the interviewee’s butt.Up the interviewee’s butt. It brings him confidence.
I have a science question.If this was true then every Asian man and woman would have tig ol biddies which is obviously untrue.
A funeral for voicemail - The OatmealSeems awfully over complicated. Why not just use some twiml verbs like <say> and <gather>?