Re: [nodebb-plugin-session-sharing] Session Sharing
I am trying to use this plugin to connect the authentication process of my Rails Application and NodeBB (both of them are running locally on different ports)
jwt_secret = "myS3cr3tk3y"
payload = { :id =>, :username => current_user.username }
puts payload
token = JWT.encode payload, jwt_secret, 'HS256'
puts token
decoded_token = JWT.decode token, jwt_secret, true, { algorithm: 'HS256' }
puts decoded_token
session[:nodebb_token] = { value: token, HttpOnly:true }
This is the code for writing the cookies.
[image: 1615658216031-screenshot-from-2021-03-13-22-48-11.png]
This is the configuration for the plugin.
Is something wrong with my code or the configuration?? Can someone help me find out the issue?? @julian