@PitaJ many thanks!!!
Alpha Team
@Alpha Team
How to create a footer outside the container? -
How to create a footer outside the container?@PitaJ only the footer outside the container as https://forums.opera.com/
How to create a footer outside the container?@PitaJ categories.tpl
How to create a footer outside the container?I tried to add
before the tag opening but now the footer is duplicated why? This is the full code:<!-- IF breadcrumbs.length --> <ol class="breadcrumb" itemscope="itemscope" itemprop="breadcrumb" itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"> {{{each breadcrumbs}}} <li<!-- IF @last --> component="breadcrumb/current"<!-- ENDIF @last --> itemscope="itemscope" itemprop="itemListElement" itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem" <!-- IF @last -->class="active"<!-- ENDIF @last -->> <meta itemprop="position" content="@index" /> <!-- IF !@last --><a href="{breadcrumbs.url}" itemprop="item"><!-- ENDIF !@last --> <span itemprop="name"> {breadcrumbs.text} <!-- IF @last --> <!-- IF !feeds:disableRSS --> <!-- IF rssFeedUrl --><a target="_blank" href="{rssFeedUrl}" itemprop="item"><i class="fa fa-rss-square"></i></a><!-- ENDIF rssFeedUrl --><!-- ENDIF !feeds:disableRSS --> <!-- ENDIF @last --> </span> <!-- IF !@last --></a><!-- ENDIF !@last --> </li> {{{end}}} </ol> <!-- ENDIF breadcrumbs.length --> <div data-widget-area="header"> {{{each widgets.header}}} {{widgets.header.html}} {{{end}}} </div> <div class="row"> <div class="<!-- IF widgets.sidebar.length -->col-lg-9 col-sm-12<!-- ELSE -->col-lg-12<!-- ENDIF widgets.sidebar.length -->"> <h1 class="categories-title">[[pages:categories]]</h1> <ul class="categories" itemscope itemtype="http://www.schema.org/ItemList"> {{{each categories}}} <li component="categories/category" data-cid="{../cid}" data-numRecentReplies="1" class="row clearfix"> <meta itemprop="name" content="{../name}"> <div class="content col-xs-12 <!-- IF config.hideCategoryLastPost -->col-md-10 col-sm-12<!-- ELSE -->col-md-7 col-sm-9<!-- ENDIF config.hideCategoryLastPost -->"> <div class="icon pull-left" style="{function.generateCategoryBackground}"> <i class="fa fa-fw {../icon}"></i> </div> <h2 class="title"> <!-- IF ../isSection --> {../name} <!-- ELSE --> <!-- IF ../link --> <a href="{../link}" itemprop="url"> <!-- ELSE --> <a href="{config.relative_path}/category/{../slug}" itemprop="url"> <!-- ENDIF ../link --> {../name} </a> <!-- ENDIF ../isSection --> </h2> <div> <!-- IF ../descriptionParsed --> <div class="description"> {../descriptionParsed} </div> <!-- ENDIF ../descriptionParsed --> <!-- IF !config.hideSubCategories --> {function.generateChildrenCategories} <!-- ENDIF !config.hideSubCategories --> </div> <span class="visible-xs pull-right"> <!-- IF ../teaser.timestampISO --> <a class="permalink" href="{../teaser.url}"> <small class="timeago" title="{../teaser.timestampISO}"></small> </a> <!-- ENDIF ../teaser.timestampISO --> </span> </div> <!-- IF !../link --> <div class="col-md-1 hidden-sm hidden-xs stats"> <span class="{../unread-class} human-readable-number" title="{../totalTopicCount}">{../totalTopicCount}</span><br /> <small>[[global:topics]]</small> </div> <div class="col-md-1 hidden-sm hidden-xs stats"> <span class="{../unread-class} human-readable-number" title="{../totalPostCount}">{../totalPostCount}</span><br /> <small>[[global:posts]]</small> </div> <!-- IF !config.hideCategoryLastPost --> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 teaser hidden-xs" component="topic/teaser"> <div class="card" style="border-color: {../bgColor}"> {{{each ./posts}}} <!-- IF @first --> <div component="category/posts"> <p> <a href="{config.relative_path}/user/{../user.userslug}">{buildAvatar(posts.user, "sm", true)}</a> <a class="permalink" href="{config.relative_path}/topic/{../topic.slug}<!-- IF ../index -->/{../index}<!-- ENDIF ../index -->"> <small class="timeago" title="{../timestampISO}"></small> </a> </p> <div class="post-content"> {../content} </div> </div> <!-- ENDIF @first --> {{{end}}} <!-- IF !../posts.length --> <div component="category/posts"> <div class="post-content"> [[category:no_new_posts]] </div> </div> <!-- ENDIF !../posts.length --> </div> </div> <!-- ENDIF !config.hideCategoryLastPost --> <!-- ENDIF !../link --> </li> {{{end}}} </ul> </div> <div data-widget-area="sidebar" class="col-lg-3 col-sm-12 <!-- IF !widgets.sidebar.length -->hidden<!-- ENDIF !widgets.sidebar.length -->"> {{{each widgets.sidebar}}} {{widgets.sidebar.html}} {{{end}}} </div> </div> </div> <- I HAVE ADDED THIS <div data-widget-area="footer"> {{{each widgets.footer}}} {{widgets.footer.html}} {{{end}}} </div>
How to create a footer outside the container?@PitaJ said in How to create a footer outside the container?:
there is any tutorial for nodebb-plugin-customize? which file should I edit?
How to create a footer outside the container?Thanks for the reply, I already did this, the problem's that the widget footer is being placed inside the container class, I need to put it outside otherwise I'll get the margin added by the container class of bootstrap
How to create a footer outside the container?I would like to create a footer which is placed outside the container, something like this:
someone could explain the steps that I should do for achieve this?