This is an improvement of psychobunny's example which adds module support. The "callbacked" field in plugin.json may be unnecessary, all the code that I've seen checks that the last argument is a function before it treats it as a callback.
"id": "nodebb-plugin-youtube"
, "name": "NodeBB YouTube Plugin"
, "description": "NodeBB Plugin that enables users to embed YouTube videos inline in their posts."
, "url": ""
, "library": "./library.js"
, "hooks": [
"hook": "filter:post.parse"
, "method": "parse"
, "callbacked": true
nodebb modules (eg db) have paths that are relative to the object javascript source file.
nodejs modules (eg async) have no path.
(function(Youtube) {
'use strict'
var async = module.parent.require('async')
db = module.parent.require('./database')
Youtube.parse = function(postContent, callback) {
postContent = postContent.replace(
/<a href="(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/(?:watch\?v=)?(.+)<\/a>/g,
'<iframe class="youtube-plugin" width="640" height="360" src="$1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
callback(null, postContent)